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Packages > All-inclusive Package > Gourmet Dinner Package > In-room Snack Service Package > Nordik Spa Package > Business Travel Package
Single occupancy: $175/night*
Double occupancy: $235/night
* This price includes 1 dinner package which can be divided into two meals.
Prices don't include taxes and gratuity.
The cost of the package will be added to the per night rate of the room.
It is possible to create different all-inclusive packages according to your meal preferences. The rates would be modified accordingly. Here are the different options of the all-inclusive package:
For special offers, the cost of the package is multiplied by the quantity desired. For example, for the 8-night Special Offer, we would add this package for the desired quantity.
The all-inclusive package can not be added with an online booking. If you wish to add this package to your booking, simply advise us by phone (819-918-0024) or by email (
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